Lihao Design Creator 00020









This project aimed at renovating the interior of a clothing store situated within a residential locality. The building is a pre-owned house that has existed for a decade. The store proprietor has a vision of transforming the space into a vibrant hub within the community. The main goal is to bring people together with nearby businesses and to invigorate the area while making life more convenient for residents. To accomplish this, the store owner has decided on a unique style known as Japandi. This style combines the simplicity and rustic charm of Japanese wabi-sabi with the clean lines and functionality of Scandinavian design. The overall design will feature clean lines, mild colors, and natural elements to create a calming, comfortable, and unobtrusive space. The ultimate objective is to accentuate the unique characteristics of each item of clothing. The store is intended to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing to customers.


The initial area felt claustrophobic due to its low ceiling and confined space. To combat this, the designers implemented a selection of curved, streamlined elements, creatively incorporating different ceiling heights to achieve an illusion of spaciousness. The use of warm, soft colors throughout the room evokes a bright, inviting atmosphere, while the strategic placement of natural light contributes to an overall sense of openness. The hanging rod design, characterized by its sleek, linear, and zigzagging features, adds intricate detail without sacrificing the space's visual simplicity. The room's mood is distinct and moody, thanks in part to natural elements such as stone and withered branches. This unique space exudes an undeniable allure, drawing visitors in and inviting them to revel in its exquisite ambiance.


The designer’s primary objective is to maintain a simplistic approach by refraining from excessively ornate decorations and harmonizing them with an appropriate spatial arrangement. This methodology not only broadens the spatial possibilities but also curbs resource depletion, thereby promoting global sustainability. The entire space is coated with non-toxic, scentless, and zero formaldehyde environmentally-friendly paint, which poses no harm to the environment during waste treatment, promoting safety for human health and minimizing the impact on the ecological environment.



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